I used cup saucers for my template, the smaller one being used for the mattress pad.

For each pad you need 1 of each layer. T-shirt, for next to the skin, mattress pad for the absorbent lining, and felted wool sweater for the out facing part. Felted wool is great for blocking moisture and is nearly waterproof.

I pinned the three layers together and zigzag stitched around the edge. That's it. Not very pretty, but these are a prototype. I think I'll play around with a thinner sweater and lining.

Congratulations to your daughter!! What a great idea :) x
Wow! Fantastic idea to make your own and up-cycling is something I love.
And I never knew that felted wool is nearly waterproof! I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
Thanks for the idea! I'm currently nursing my 5th child, and have never found washable pads that didn't leak. I would like to own stock in the disposable pads! I plan to try this.
Those are great! Can you just run them in the wash, or does the wool felt further?
Kristen, Yes! Because the wool is felted, they can just be tossed in the washer and dryer.
Won't allow me to pin images to Pinterest, a pity!
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